All universities and colleges in Wisconsin offer undergraduate degrees in disciplines that allow for work in a water-related field, including both the natural and social sciences. Below, we provide a number of additional programs that can offer college graduates a more in-depth exploration of a variety of disciplines with opportunities for a water-related focus.
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Graduate School – Offering over 160 master’s and/or 100 doctoral degree programs across a variety of disciplines, filtered and organized as water programs here
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Graduate School – Master’s and/or doctoral degree programs in: Anthropology, Atmospheric Science, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Communication, Community Engagement, Curriculum and Instruction, Economics, Engineering, English, Environmental and Occupational Health, Environmental Health Sciences, Epidemiology, Freshwater Sciences and Technology, Geography, Geosciences, Health Sciences, History, Information Science and Technology, Library and Information Science, Management, Mathematics, Media Studies, Nonprofit Management and Leadership, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Public Administration, Public Health, Social Welfare, Social Work, Sociology, Urban Education, Urban Planning and Urban Studies
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Graduate Studies – Master’s degree programs in: Biology, Business Administration, Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Leadership, English, Psychology, Public Administration, and Social Work
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Graduate School – Master’s degrees programs in: Communication, Natural Resources, Teaching
Marquette University
Graduate School – Master’s and/or doctoral degree programs in: Applied Statistics, Bioinformatics, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Engineering, Communication, Computational Sciences, Computing, Educational Policy and Leadership, English, History, International Affairs, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Public Service