Multi-Parameter, Remote Groundwater Monitoring with Referencing Using Crossed Optical Fiber Fluorescent Sensor Arrays

Home / Research / Multi-Parameter, Remote Groundwater Monitoring with Referencing Using Crossed Optical Fiber Fluorescent Sensor Arrays
Project Number:


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Contract Period:

7/1/2006 - 6/30/2008

Funding Source:




Background/Need: Real-time, in-situ measurements of general chemical and physical properties of groundwater are essential for studying the interactions of aquifers with surrounding soils and minerals. Furthermore, measuring contaminant concentrations continually over extended times and spatially resolved is at the heart of investigations regarding the sources of contamination of groundwater as well as the fate of these contaminants due to transport and chemical reactions. This project focused on the application of our recently developed (and patented) optical fiber sensor platform to groundwater monitoring issues.

Objectives: The goals of this project were to explore real-time, continuous measurement of pH and dissolved oxygen concentration as first sensing applications. For long-term deployment, sensor longevity, and ruggedness were important issues to be considered in the sensor design.

Project Reports: