Monitoring Environmental Effects at an Established Phytoremediation Site

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Project Number:


Funding Year:


Contract Period:

7/1/2004 - 6/30/2006

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Background – Phytoremediation offers the prospect of using a low-cost alternative to degrade or sequester contaminants from soil and groundwater, and/or slow the movement of shallow groundwater. Sequestration of heavy metals and degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds is well documented; however, the fate of many pesticides is unclear. If groundwater movement can be slowed, possibly so will the movement of contaminants offsite, and therefore, a greater likelihood they will be degraded or sequestered by biotic or abiotic processes on site.

The study site is an active aerial agricultural chemical facility, located near Bancroft, Wisconsin, and has a history of soil and groundwater contamination. Dinoseb (2, sec-butyl-4,6-dinitrophenol) is the primary contaminant of concern. At the time this study was initiated, dinoseb-contaminated soil was unacceptable for conventional landfill disposal or landspreading. Sandy soil, shallow groundwater, and other factors make this a prime site to study the effects of phytoremediation.

Objectives – The objectives of this research were:

1) Assess mortality and biomass production of the established trees at the site in both the source area and downgradient area.
2) Investigate possible relationships between hydrologic response and transpiration rates at various times through the project duration (both daily and seasonal changes).
3) Monitor changes in the groundwater contaminant profile through the source and downgradient areas.

Project Reports: