Unique State Council Coordinates Wisconsin Groundwater Research and Protection
February 14, 2018
Wisconsin is one of the only states in the U.S. that coordinates its groundwater research and monitoring through a special council. Since 1984, the Groundwater Coordinating Council (GCC) has fostered the exchange of information about groundwater programs among state agencies, and promoted efficiencies to benefit this subterranean resource. The council has convened for almost 35 years and has funded 455 projects, so now seems like a good time to reflect on why it originated and what it has accomplished during that span.
March Meeting Will Bring Together State’s Leading Water Managers and Researchers
January 31, 2018
More than 100 water managers and researchers will meet March 8 and 9, 2018, at the Paper Valley Hotel in Appleton for the annual American Water Resources Association Wisconsin Section meeting to discuss and strategize regarding water challenges and opportunities.
A Model Fellow
December 12, 2017
The Water Resources Institute's first fellow is wrapping up his work studying and modeling stream sediment.
Poster Session Demonstrates Scope and Diversity of UW-Madison’s Water Explorations
November 6, 2017
Recent University of Wisconsin-Madison poster session highlights wealth of water research and outreach.
The Forgotten User
September 15, 2017
WRI Researchers track groundwater usage by trees in key Wisconsin regions. September 15, 2017 By Aaron R. Conklin So let’s say you’re putting together your monthly budget. You...
The Impact of Our Use
August 24, 2017
A new set of WRI research projects examines how the ways we're now using groundwater may be affecting our environment.
Wisconsin Water Library Improves Online Experience
July 27, 2017
The Water Library has a modern new website with a wealth of new content for parents and teachers. Among the additions are lesson plans for teaching water and Great Lakes science to kids from...
Wisconsin’s New Water Fellowships
July 26, 2017
Jan. 31, 2016 The University of Wisconsin Aquatic Sciences Center, the administrative home to both the University of Wisconsin Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the University of Wiscon...
Water Photography Display Makes Its Way to New Berlin
July 26, 2017
Jan. 28, 2016 The New Berlin Public Library will host a traveling photo display on Wisconsin water, created by the University of Wisconsin Sea Grant College Program and University of Wisc...