Title & Investigator(s) Year Project #
Linking Groundwater and Nutrients to Monitor Fen Ecosystems Using Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy
Investigator(s): Eric Booth, Steven Loheide, David Bart, Philip Townsend, Arthur C. Ryzak
2018 WR17R001
Historic Changes in Groundwater Use by Trees in Wisconsin Due to High-capacity Groundwater Pumping and climate variability
Investigator(s): Steven Loheide, Dominick M. Ciruzzi
2018 WR17R002
Mapping the Base of the Cambrian Aquifer through Geophysical Modeling of Precambrian Topography, Southern Wisconsin
Investigator(s): Esther Stewart, Madeline Gotkowitz
2018 WR17R003
New Proxy-based Hydrological Reconstructions over the Past Five Centuries in Southwest Wisconsin
Investigator(s): Christopher Underwood, Evan Larson
2018 WR17R004
Investigating the impact of nitrate-nitrogen contamination on uranium concentrations in Wisconsin groundwater
Investigator(s): Amy Nikita, Paul McGinley
2016 WR16R002
Long-term Alterations in Groundwater Chemistry Induced by Municipal Well Pumping
Investigator(s): Jean Bahr, Madeline Gotkowitz
2016 WR16R004
Geologic sources of radium to municipal wells in Wisconsin
Investigator(s): Madeleine Mathews, Madeline Gotkowitz, Matthew Ginder-Vogel
2016 WR16R006
Phosphorus and Arsenic Sensors for Real Time Environmental Monitoring
Investigator(s): Daniel Noguera, Marc Anderson, Isabel Tejedor, Jesse Wouteres
2015 WR15R001
Long-term Alterations in Groundwater Chemistry Induced by Municipal Well Pumping
Investigator(s): Jean Bahr, Madeline Gotkowitz, Joshua Olson
2015 WR15R002
Predicting the locations of nitrate removal hotspots at the groundwater-surface water interface in Wisconsin streams
Investigator(s): Robert Stelzer, J. Thad Scott
2015 WR15R003
The Wonewoc and Tunnel City: A Potential Natural Source of Groundwater Contamination in Western & Central Wisconsin
Investigator(s): James Zambito, Lisa Haas , Michael Parsen, Patrick McLaughlin
2015 WR15R004
Engaging Stakeholders to Improve the Use of Groundwater Flow Models for Decision Making
Investigator(s): Ken Genskow, Kenneth Bradbury
2015 WR15R005
Evaluation of On-Site Wastewater Treatment as a Source of Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Groundwater
Investigator(s): Katherine D. McMahon, Erin E. Seyfried
2005 WR05R006
Assessment of Environmental Impacts of Geothermal Source Heat Exchangers
Investigator(s): Christopher Choi, David J. Hart, James Tinjum, Matthew K. Harper
2014 WR14R002
Hydrologic Impacts of the Loss of Wisconsin’s Winter on Surface Water – Groundwater Interactions
Investigator(s): Steven Loheide, Kim Scherber
2014 WR14R003
Effect of Source Chemistry on Mn-Bearing Solid Dissolution and Reactivity in Municipal Water Systems
Investigator(s): Matthew Ginder-Vogel, Christina Remucal
2014 WR14R004
Microbial community diversity as a predictor of virus survival in groundwater
Investigator(s): Katherine McMahon, Mark Borchardt
2013 WR13R001
Assessing the Effect of Riverbank Inducement on Groundwater Quality
Investigator(s): Timothy Grundl, Laura Fields-Sommers, Jack Graham
2013 WR13R002
Establishing the long-term range of variability in drought conditions for Southwest Wisconsin
Investigator(s): Evan Larson
2013 WR13R003
Impacts of climatic and land use changes on streamflow and water quality in the Milwaukee River basin
Investigator(s): Woonsup Choi
2013 WR13R004
Arsenic Species (III, V) Distribution in Wisconsin Groundwaters: Field Measurements and Prediction Using Multivariate Analysis of Geochemical Data Prediction Using Multivariate Analysis of Geochemical Data
Investigator(s): Martin Shafer, Joel T. Overdier, S.C. Kerr
2005 WR05R001
Mercury and Methlymercury Levels in Water, Sediment and Biota – USGS Student Internship for Nicholas Ostroski
Investigator(s): Anders Andren
2012 WR12E001
Identifying the Controls on Flow and Contaminant Distribution in Siliciclastic Bedrock Aquifer Systems
Investigator(s): Stephen M. Sellwood, David J. Hart, Madeline B. Gotkowitz, Jean M. Bahr
2012 WR12R001
Effects of Nuanced Changes in Lot Layout and Impervious Area Connectivity on Urban Recharge
Investigator(s): Steven P. Loheide, Carolyn B. Voter
2012 WR12R002
Transport of Manure-derived Escherichia coli within Naturally-Fractured Dolomite
Investigator(s): Shangping Xu, Lucia Feriancikova
2012 WR12R003
Hexavalent Chromium (Cr(VI)) in WI Groundwater: Identifying Factors Controlling the Natural Concentration and Geochemical Cycling in a Diverse Set of Aquifers
Investigator(s): Patrick Gorski, Martin Shafer, James Hurley, Zana Sijan, James Swarthout
2012 WR12R005
Simulating Lake Responses to Climate Change with a Mechanistic Water Quality Model
Investigator(s): Katherine McMahon
2011 WR11R001
Climate Change Impacts on Stream Temperature and Flow: Consequences for Great Lakes Fish Migrations
Investigator(s): Peter McIntyre
2011 WR11R002
Uncertainty and Variability of Wisconsin Lakes in Response to Climate Change
Investigator(s): Chin Wu
2011 WR11R003
Establishing Paleoclimate Records from Spring Tufa Deposits in the Driftless Area of Wisconsin
Investigator(s): Maureen A. Muldoon, Susan K. Swanson
2011 WR11R004
Preferential Flow Paths in Heterogeneous Glacially-Deposited Aquitards
Investigator(s): David Hart
2011 WR11R005
The Effects of Particulate Organic Carbon Quantity and Quality on Denitrification of Groundwater Nitrate
Investigator(s): Robert Stelzer, J. Thad Scott, Lynn Bartsch
2011 WR11R006
Silage Leachate: Waste Quality Assessment and Treatment
Investigator(s): Rebecca Larson, Michael Holly
2011 WR11R007
GLMRIS Water Quality Modeling
Investigator(s): Charles Melching
2011 WR11R008
Development of a User-Friendly Interface for Predicting Climate Change Induced Changes in Evapotranspiration
Investigator(s): Steven Loheide, Doug Joachim
2010 WR10R001
Groundwater Recharge Characteristics and Subsurface Nutrient Dynamics Under Alternate Biofuel Cropping Systems in Wisconsin
Investigator(s): Anita Thompson, K.G. Kathikeyan, Randall Jackson
2010 WR10R003
Reducing Nitrate in Groundwater with Slow-Release Fertilizer
Investigator(s): Matthew Burke, Birl Lowery, Nick Bero
2010 WR10R004
Groundwater Nitrate Processing in Deep Stream Sediments
Investigator(s): Robert S. Stelzer, Lynn Bartsch
2010 WR10R005
Influence of Adsorbed Antibiotics on Water Quality and Soil Microbes
Investigator(s): Zhaohui Li, Maria MacWilliams
2010 WR10R006
Transport of Manure-Derived, Tetracycline Resistant Escherichia Coli in Unsaturated Soil
Investigator(s): Shangping Xu, Lucia Feriancikova
2010 WR10R007
From Sandbags to Sanity: Lessons from the Midwest Floods of 2008
Investigator(s): Donald P. Moynihan
2009 WR09R001
Fecal Source Tracking Using Human and Bovine Adenovirus and Polyomaviruses
Investigator(s): Joel A. Pedersen, Katherine D. McMahon, Sharon Long, Samuel D. Sibley
2009 WR09R002
Predicting Mercury Methylation: Testing the Neutral Sulfide Speciation Model in a Groundwater-Dominated Wetland
Investigator(s): Martin Shafer
2009 WR09R003
Assessing the Effect of Pleistocene Glaciation on the Water Supply of Eastern Wisconsin
Investigator(s): Timothy Grundl, Nate Magnusson, Jackie Krall
2009 WR09R004
Forecasting Impacts of Extreme Precipitation Events on Wisconsin’s Groundwater Levels
Investigator(s): D. R. Joachim, Madeline Gotkowitz, Kenneth W. Potter, Kenneth Rhoads Bradbury, S. J. Vavrus, Steven Paul Loheide
2009 WR09R005
DTS as a Hydrostratigraphic Characterization Tool
Investigator(s): Jean M. Bahr, David J. Hart, Andrew T. Leaf
2009 WR09R006
Use of the 2009 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey to Assess the Safety of Private Drinking Water Supplies
Investigator(s): Lynda Knobeloch
2008 WR08R001
Combination of Co-Precipitation with Zeolite Filtration to Remove Arsenic from Contaminated Water
Investigator(s): Zhaohui Li
2008 WR08R002
The Lethal and Sublethal Effects of Elevated Groundwater Nitrate Concentrations on Infaunal Invertebrates in the Central Sand Plains
Investigator(s): Robert S. Stelzer, Maureen Muldoon, Sue Eggert
2008 WR08R003
Assessing Levels and Potential Health Effects of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Groundwater Associated with Karst Areas in Northeast Wisconsin
Investigator(s): Angela Bauer-Dantoin, Kevin Fermanich, Michael Zorn, Sarah Wingert
2008 WR08R004
The Transport, Fate and Cycling of Mercury in Watersheds and Air Sheds
Investigator(s): James Hurley, David Krabbenhoft
2008 WR08R005
Protecting Wisconsins Buried Treasure: Celebrating the Results of 20 Years of Coordinated Groundwater Research and Monitoring
Investigator(s): Stephen Wittman, James Hurley
2007 WR07A001
Transport and Survival of Pathogenic Bacteria Associated With Dairy Manure in Soil and Groundwater
Investigator(s): Jin Li, Ching-Hong Yang
2007 WR07R001
Is Phosphorus-Enriched Groundwater Entering Wisconsin Streams?
Investigator(s): George Kraft, Bryant Browne
2007 WR07R002
Occurrence and Generation of Nitrite in Ground and Surface Waters in an Agricultural Watershed
Investigator(s): Emily Stanley
2007 WR07R003
Geochemical Characterization of Sulfide Mineralization in Eastern Wisconsin Carbonate Rocks
Investigator(s): John A. Luczaj, Michael J. McIntire
2007 WR07R004
Monitoring Septic Effluent Transport and Attenuation using Geophysical Methods
Investigator(s): Alex R. Summitt, Dante Fratta, David J. Hart, Kevin Masarik
2007 WR07R006
Influence of Wetland Hydrodynamics on Subsurface Microbial Redox Transformations of Nitrate and Iron
Investigator(s): Jean M. Bahr, Eric E. Roden
2007 WR07R007
Controls on Methylation of Groundwater Hg(II) in Hyporheic Zones of Wetlands
Investigator(s): Martin M. Shafer, Christopher L. Babiarz, David E. Armstron, Eric E. Roden
2007 WR07R008
Multi-Parameter, Remote Groundwater Monitoring with Referencing Using Crossed Optical Fiber Fluorescent Sensor Arrays
Investigator(s): Peter Geissinger
2006 WR06R001
Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination of Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: Molecular and Biochemical Analyses
Investigator(s): Ameesha Shetty, William Hickey
2006 WR06R002
Identifying High-Infiltration and Groundwater Recharge Areas
Investigator(s): Stephen Ventura, John Norman, Cynthia Stiles
2006 WR06R004
Effectiveness of Engineered Covers: From Modeling to Performance Monitoring
Investigator(s): Craig Benson
2006 WR06R005
Measuring and Modeling Macroporous Soil Water and Solute Flux Below the Root Zone of a Plano Silt-Loam Soil
Investigator(s): Birl Lowery, John Norman
2005 WR05R002
Nitrate and Pesticide Penetration into a Northern Mississippi Valley Loess Hills Aquifer
Investigator(s): George J. Kraft, David J. Mechenich
2005 WR05R003
Climate Signals in Groundwater and Surface Water System: Spectral Analysis of Hydrologic Processes
Investigator(s): Hector Bravo, Reza Namdar-Ghanbari
2005 WR05R005
Transient Functioning of a Groundwater Wetland Complex, Allequash basin, Wisconsin
Investigator(s): Mary P. Anderson, Christopher S. Lowry
2005 WR05R007
Validation of Transport of VOCs from Composite Liners
Investigator(s): Tuncer B. Edil, Craig H. Benson
2005 WR05R008
Mercury Speciation along a Groundwater Flowpath
Investigator(s): David E. Armstrong, Christopher L. Babiarz, Martin M. Shafer, S.C. Kerr
2004 WR04R001
Delineation of Flow Paths, Capture Zones and Source Areas, Allequash Basin, Vilas County, Wisconsin
Investigator(s): Mary P. Anderson, Melissa D Masbruch
2004 WR04R002
Occurrence of Estrogenic Endocrine Disruptors in Groundwater
Investigator(s): William Sonzogni, Jocelyn Hemming, Miel Barman, Steven Geis
2004 WR04R004
Development of Tools to Address Groundwater in Comprehensive Planning
Investigator(s): Lynn Markham, ChinChun Tang, Bobbie Webster, Chuck Dunning
2004 WR04R005
Hydrostratigraphy of West-Central Wisconsin: A New Approach to Groundwater Management
Investigator(s): David L. LePain, Kenneth R. Bradbury, Michael K. Cobb
2004 WR04R006
Monitoring Environmental Effects at an Established Phytoremediation Site
Investigator(s): William M. DeVita, Mark Dawson
2004 WR04R007
Foundry Slag for Treating Arsenic in Groundwater and Drinking Water
Investigator(s): Stacy E. Metz, Craig H. Benson
2004 WR04R008
Groundwater Sustainability in a Humid Climate: Groundwater Pumping, Groundwater Consumption and Land Use Change
Investigator(s): Madeline B. Gotkowitz, David J. Hart, Charles Dunning
2004 WR04R009
Design and Evaluation of Rain Gardens for Enhancement of Groundwater Recharge
Investigator(s): Kenneth Potter, Dustin Atchison, Linda Severson
2003 WR03R001
Coupled Modeling of Gravity and Aeromagnetic Data For Analysis of the Waukesha Fault, Southeastern Wisconsin
Investigator(s): John D. Skalbeck
2003 WR03R003
What happens when the confined Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer in SE Wisconsin is “dewatered”?
Investigator(s): Timothy T. Eaton, Kenneth R. Bradbury
2003 WR03R004
Evaluation of Contamination of Groundwater around Landfills
Investigator(s): N. Klett, Tuncer Edil, Craig Benson, Jack Connelly
2003 WR03R006
Providing Communities with the Groundwater Information Needed for Comprehensive Planning
Investigator(s): Douglas S. Cherkauer
2003 WR03R007
Fate Of Representative Fluoroquinolone, Macrolide, Sulfonamide And Tetracycline Antibiotics In Subsurface Environments
Investigator(s): K.G. Karthikeyan, Joel Pedersen
2003 WR03R008
Combination of Surfactant Solubilization with Permanganate Oxidation for Groundwater Remediation
Investigator(s): Zhaohui Li
2003 WR03R009
The Role of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Aquatic Mercury Cycling
Investigator(s): James Hurley, Michael Tate, David Krabbenhoft
2003 WR03R010
Monitoring the Effectiveness of Phytoremediation and Hydrogeologic Response at an Agricultural Chemical Facility
Investigator(s): William M. DeVita, Mark Dawson
2002 WR02R001
Role of the Hyporheic Zone in Methylmercury Production and Transport to Lake Superior
Investigator(s): Matthew H. Meyer, David E. Armstrong, Christopher L. Babiarz
2002 WR02R002
F Test for Natural Attenuation in Groundwater: Application on Benzene
Investigator(s): Fe S. Evangelista, Aristeo M. Pelayo
2002 WR02R004
Photocatalytic Adsorption Media and Processes for Enhanced Removal of Arsenic from Groundwaters
Investigator(s): Marc A. Anderson, Eunkyu Lee, Walter A. Zeltner, Timothy J. Lee
2002 WR02R005
Determination of Aquitard and Crystalline Bedrock Depth Using Time Domain Electromagnetics
Investigator(s): Megan L. Anderson, David Alumbaugh, David Hart
2002 WR02R006
Impacts of Land Use and Groundwater Flow on the Temperature of Wisconsin Trout Streams
Investigator(s): Stephen J. Gaffield, Todd W. Rayne, Lizhu Wang, Kenneth R. Bradbury
2001 WR01R005
Impacts of Privately Sewered Subdivisions on Groundwater Quality in Dane County, Wisconsin
Investigator(s): Kenneth R. Bradbury, Jeffrey D. Wilcox
2001 WR01R006
Removal of Heavy Metals and Radionuclides from Soils Using Cationic Surfactant Flushing
Investigator(s): Christine V. Evans, Zhaohui Li
2001 WR01R007
Removal of Arsenic in Groundwater Using Novel Mesoporous Sorbent
Investigator(s): Jae Park, Min Jang
2001 WR01R008
Co-occurrence and Removal of Arsenic and Iron in Groundwater
Investigator(s): Paul McGinley, Richard Stephens, Eric Frank, Jesse Baumann
2001 WR01R009
Monitoring and Scaling of Water Quality in the Tomorrow-Waupaca Watershed
Investigator(s): Bryant Browne, Nathan M. Guldan
2001 WR01R010
Microfabricated, Low-Power, Inorganic, Water Quality Sensor Based on Direct Current Argon Plasma Emission Spectroscopy
Investigator(s): Marc Anderson, Yogesh Gianchandani
2001 WR01R011
On-site nitrogen removal systems research demonstration project: Phase 1
Investigator(s): Ayers and Associates
1990 WR90R028
Evaluation of Potential Phytotoxicity and Crop Residues when Using Sprayer Rinsate as a Portion of the Diluent in Pesticide Spray Mixtures
Investigator(s): Binning
1990 WR90R027
Reactions of Chlorohydrocarbons on Clay Surfaces
Investigator(s): Fripiat
1990 WR90R023
Tracking contaminant pathways in groundwater using a geologically based computer code for outwash
Investigator(s): David Mickelson, Mary Anderson
1990 WR90R007
Chemical transport across a sediment-water interface
Investigator(s): Green
1990 WR90R021
Prediction of organic chemical leachate concentrations from soil samples
Investigator(s): Jae Park, Jim Imbrie
1990 WR90R004
Contamination Attenuation Indices for Sandy Soils: Tools for Information Transfer
Investigator(s): Kevin McSweeney, Fred Madison
1990 WR90R008
Using ground penetrating radar to predict preferential solute movement and improve contaminant monitoring in sandy soils
Investigator(s): Kuing, Madison
1990 WR90R013
Bioremediation of Herbicide-Contaminated Soil and Water
Investigator(s): Robin F. Harris
1990 WR90R018
Near-source transport of contaminants in heterogeneous media
Investigator(s): John Hoopes
1990 WR90R017
The economic effects of groundwater contamination on real estate
Investigator(s): H. Rabinowitz, G. W. Page
1990 WR90R005
Nitrate Movement through the Unsaturated Zone of a Sandy Soil in the Lower Wisconsin River Valley
Investigator(s): B. Lowery, K. Fermanich, S. Grant, K. McSweeney, W. Kussow
1990 WR90R012
The Effects of Complex Mixtures of Chemicals in Leachates on the Transport of Pollutants in Groundwater
Investigator(s): T. Grundl, Cherkauer
1990 WR90R019
Importance of Groundwater in Productions and Transport of Methylmercury in Lake Superior Tributaries
Investigator(s): R.W. Stoor, David Armstrong
2000 WR00R003
A Basin-Scale Denitrification Budget for a Nitrate Contaminated Wisconsin Aquifer: A Study at the Groundwater/Surface Water Interface
Investigator(s): Bryant A. Browne
2000 WR00R004
Removal of As(III) and As(V) in Contaminated Groundwater with Thin- Film Microporous Oxide Adsorbents
Investigator(s): Marc Anderson
2000 WR00R005
A Comparison of USEPA-Approved Enzyme-Based Total Coliform/E. coli Tests for Microbiological Groundwater Monitoring and Laboratory Consultation
Investigator(s): James Schauer, Jeremy Olstadt, Jon Standridge, Sharon Kluender
2004 WR04R003
Variability of Hydraulic Conductivity in Sandy Till: True Variation Versus Method
Investigator(s): David M. Mickelson, Kenneth R. Bradbury, T. W. Rayne
1992 WR92R002
Application of LSQR to Calibration of a Regional MODFLOW Model: Trout Lake Basin, Wisconsin
Investigator(s): Mary Anderson, Haijiang Zhang, Chris Muffels
2006 WR06R003
Field evaluation of near source transport of contaminants in heterogeneous media
Investigator(s): John A. Hoopes, Salwa Rashad, Yahia Majali, Tswn-Syau Tsay
1992 WR92R003
A Thermal Remote Sensing Tool for Mapping Spring and Diffuse Groundwater Discharge to Streams
Investigator(s): Steven P. Loheide, Richard S. Deitchman
2007 WR07R005
Ultrasonic verification technique for evaluating well seals
Investigator(s): Tuncer Edil
1992 WR92R005
An evaluation of the distribution and sources of dissolved strontium in the groundwater of eastern Wisconsin, with a focus on Brown and Outagamie counties
Investigator(s): John Luczaj, Michael Zorn, Joseph Baeten
2012 WR12R004
Impact of tunnel dewatering on surface water bodies in Mil. County
Investigator(s): Douglas Cherkauer
1992 WR92R007
Anthropogenically Driven Changes to the Metagenome of a Shallow Groundwater and its Effect on Aquifer Reactivity
Investigator(s): Tim Grundl, Ryan Newton, Natalie Gayner, Madeline J. Salo
2016 WR16R001
Management of sweet corn processing to protect groundwater quality
Investigator(s): Larry Bundy
1992 WR92R008
In-situ Removal of Fe, Mn, and Ra from groundwater
Investigator(s): Christensen, Cherkauer
1990 WR90R024
Renovation of Pesticide Contaminated Rinse Water
Investigator(s): Gordon Chesters, John Harkin
1990 WR90R025
Remediation of Soil and Groundwater Using Effectively and Ineffectively Nodulated Alfalfa
Investigator(s): Nancy Turyk, Byron Shaw
2000 WR00R006
Role of mobile colloids in the transport of chemical contaminants in groundwater
Investigator(s): Armstrong, Shafer
1990 WR90R029
Effect of Clean and Polluted Groundwater on Daphnia Reproduction and Development
Investigator(s): Stanley Dodson
2000 WR00R007
Integrated decision support for wellhead protection
Investigator(s): Adams, Benson
1990 WR90R030
The Spatial and Temporal Variability of Groundwater Recharge
Investigator(s): Weston Dripps, Mary Anderson, Kenneth Potter
2000 WR00R008
New approaches to measuring bioloic effects of groundwater contaminants
Investigator(s): Warren Porter
1991 WR91R007
Groundwater Modeling: Semi-Analytical Approaches for Heterogeneity and Reaction Networks
Investigator(s): Lin Li, Gerald R. Eykholt, Craig H. Benson
2000 WR00R014
Herbicide and nitrate movement in a sandy soil aquaifer in the Lower Wisconsin River Valley
Investigator(s): Birl Lowery, Kevin McSweeney, David Stoltenberg, Kevin Fermanich
1991 WR91R010
Field Evaluation of Rain Gardens as a Method for Enhancing Groundwater Recharge
Investigator(s): Kenneth Potter
2001 WR01R002
Living mulch systems for nitrate trapping in vegetable production
Investigator(s): Harrison
1991 WR91R012
Investigation of Changing Hydrologic Conditions of the Coon Creek Watershed in the Driftless Area of Wisconsin
Investigator(s): Randy Hunt
2001 WR01R003
Use of tire chips to attenuate VOC’s
Investigator(s): Tuncer Edil, Jae Park
1991 WR91R014
Groundwater-Lake Interaction: Response to Climate Change in Vilas County, Wisconsin
Investigator(s): Mary Anderson
2001 WR01R004
Distribution, Sources and Fate of Atrazine in a Sandy-Till Aquifer
Investigator(s): Gordon Chesters, Jonathan Levy
1991 WR91R016
A Combined Hydrogeologic/Geochemical Investigation of Groundwater Conditions in the Waukesha County Area, WI
Investigator(s): Timothy Grundl, Kenneth Bradbury, Daniel Feinstein, Sue Friers, David Hart
2003 WR03R002
GIS for subsurface characterization
Investigator(s): Bosscher, Adams
1991 WR91R021
An Assessment of Aquifer Storage Recovery for Selected Generic Hydrogeologic Settings in Wisconsin
Investigator(s): Mary P. Anderson, Christopher S. Lowry
2003 WR03R005
Effects of transient cross-stratification flow on contaminant dispersion
Investigator(s): Jean Bahr
1991 WR91R022
Synergistic effects of endocrine disrupters in drinking water
Investigator(s): Warren Porter
1994 WR94R007
Use of heavy nitrogen to study nitrate flux from septic systems
Investigator(s): John Harkin
1994 WR94R010
Integration of hydraulics and geology into a hydrostratigraphic model for the Paleozoic Aquifer of eastern Dane County, Wisconsin
Investigator(s): Douglas Cherkauer
1994 WR94R013
Tracer study for characterization of groundwater movement and contaminant transport in fractured dolomite
Investigator(s): Kenneth Bradbury
1994 WR94R016
Evaluating the effectiveness of landfill liners
Investigator(s): Craig H. Benson, G.J. Foose, T.B. Edil
1994 WR94R017
Trace metal transport affected by groundwater stream interactions
Investigator(s): Jean Bahr
1992 WR92R011
An integrated approach to the management of insects in sweet corn grown for fresh market
Investigator(s): Wedberg
1995 WR95R000
Comparative evaluation of biostimulation approaches for enhancing in situ TCE degradation in contaminated aquaifers
Investigator(s): William Hickey
1993 WR93R011
The use of azimuthal resistivity and self potential measurements to delineate groundwater flow direction in fractured media
Investigator(s): Taylor
1995 WR95R001
Using “PREDICT” to reduce herbicide usage and improve groundwater quality
Investigator(s): Harvey
1993 WR93R012
Stratigraphic controls on the mobilization and transport of naturally- occurring arsenic in groundwater: Implication for wellhead protection
Investigator(s): Tony Simo
1995 WR95R004
Stratigraphy, sedimentaology and porosity distribution of the Silurian rocks of Door County, Wisconsin
Investigator(s): Mark Harris
1993 WR93R013
Characterization of the role of evapotranspiration on groundwater movement and solute chemistry in groundwater-fed wetlands
Investigator(s): Ken Potter
1995 WR95R007
Mineral Phase Sorption of Selected Agrichemicals to Wisconsin Soils
Investigator(s): Timothy J. Grundl, Greg Small
1993 WR93R014
Biostimulation of trichloroethylene degradation in contaminated aquifers
Investigator(s): William J. Hickey, Bridget N. Moran
1995 WR95R010
Herbicide contamination of soil and groundwater at a mixing and loading site
Investigator(s): Gordon Chesters
1993 WR93R016
Iron-based abiotic destruction of chlorinated pesticides in groundwater
Investigator(s): Gerald R. Eykholt
1995 WR95R011
Improved design of pump and treat systems for heterogeneous aquaifers
Investigator(s): Jean Bahr
1993 WR93R017
Field Assessment of Monitoring and Water Supply Well Seals
Investigator(s): Tuncer B. Edil, J. S. Klima, Craig H. Benson
1995 WR95R012
Photocatalytic degradation of volatile organic carbon
Investigator(s): Marc Anderson
1993 WR93R018
Responses of biological toxicity tests to mixtures of pesticides and metabolites
Investigator(s): Gordon Chesters
1995 WR95R013
Evaluation of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for herbicide analysis of Wisconsin soils in comparison to gas chromatography
Investigator(s): William C. Sonzogni, John Strauss, Jon Standridge
1994 WR94R003
Bioremediation of Hydrocarbons influenced by air sparging: A multi- model approach to assess contaminant mass removal
Investigator(s): Jean Bahr
1995 WR95R015
Geologic constraints on arsenic in groundwater with applications to groundwater modeling
Investigator(s): J.A. Tony Simo, P.G. Freiberg, K.S. Freiberg
1994 WR94R005
Stratigraphy, seidmentology and porosity distribution of the Silurian Aquifer of Ozaukee County, Wisconsin
Investigator(s): Mark Harris
1996 WR96R010
Development and demonstration of an accurate manure spreading system to protect water quality, improve waste management and farm profitability
Investigator(s): Shinners
1994 WR94R006
Groundwater bioremediation: Monitoring with MMO probes
Investigator(s): MLP Collins
1996 WR96R012
Groundwater Flow and Heat Transport in Wetlands: Transient Simulations and Frequency-Domain Analysis
Investigator(s): Hector Bravo
1998 WR98R013
Development of a variable rate nitrogen application approach for corn
Investigator(s): Larry Bundy
1996 WR96R013
On-line SFE/GC for Improved Detection of Trace Organic Pollutants in Ground Water Monitoring
Investigator(s): David E. Armstrong, Robert J. Noll
1998 WR98R016
Groundwater protection by application of modern portfolio theory to microbiotesting strategies
Investigator(s): George Blondin
1996 WR96R015
Field Monitoring of Drainage and Nitrate Leaching from Managed and Unmanaged Ecosystems
Investigator(s): John Norman
1999 WR99R001
In situ air sparging: Air plume characterization and removal effectiveness
Investigator(s): Craig Benson
1996 WR96R016
Compatibility of Containment Systems with Mine Waste Liquids.
Investigator(s): Tuncer B. Edil, Craig H. Benson, S. Basak Gulec
1999 WR99R002
Hydrogeochemical and microbiological studies for enhanced groundwater bioremediation
Investigator(s): Madeline E. Schreiber, Jean M. Bahr, Michele D. Zwolinski, Yan Shi, William J. Hickey
1996 WR96R017
Macropore Flow: A Means for Enhancing Groundwater Recharge or a Potential Source of Groundwater Contamination
Investigator(s): Kenneth Potter, Peter Bosscher
1999 WR99R003
Improved estimation of groundwater recharge rates
Investigator(s): Mary Anderson
1996 WR96R018
Development of Neural Network Models for Predicting Nitrate Concentration in Well Water in the Tomorrow-Waupaca Watershed
Investigator(s): Hangshen Lin
1999 WR99R004
The direct effect of agricultural chemicals on Wisconsin’s declining and endangered amphibians
Investigator(s): William Karasov
1997 WR97R006
Causes of Historical Changes in Groundwater Recharge Rates in Southeastern Wisconsin
Investigator(s): Douglas Cherkauer
1999 WR99R005
Investigation of air sparging: Numerical modeling, laboratory verification and design guidelines
Investigator(s): Hoopes
1997 WR97R007
Admicelle-Catalyzed Reductive Dechlorination of Perchloroethylene (PCE) by Zero Valent Iron
Investigator(s): Zhaohui Li
1999 WR99R007
Evaluation of exploration borehole seals using Time Domain Reflectomtery
Investigator(s): Tuncer Edil
1997 WR97R009
Time Domain Electromagnetic Induction Survey Of Eastern Waukesha County And Selected Locations
Investigator(s): John Jansen, Robert Taylor
1999 WR99R016
Controls on the Spatial Distribution of Ground-water Recharge in Washington County, Wisconsin
Investigator(s): Douglas S. Cherkauer
1997 WR97R012
Watershed-scale nitrate contamination and chlorofluorocarbon ages in the Little Plover Basin: A study at the groundwater/surface water interface
Investigator(s): Bryant Browne
1997 WR97R013
Assessment of impacts on groundwater/lake and wetland systems
Investigator(s): Mary Anderson
1997 WR97R016
Natural Attenuation of fuel and related groundwater contaminants – A measurement method
Investigator(s): William Sonzogni
1998 WR98R003
Hydraulic Conductivity and Specific Storage of the Maquoketa Shale
Investigator(s): Timothy Eaton, David Hart, Kenneth Bradbury, Herbert Wang
1998 WR98R001
Sedimentology, stratigraphy, and porosity-conductivity relations of the Silurian aquifer in Ozaukee County, Wisconsin
Investigator(s): Harris
1998 WR98R008
Experimental verification of models used to evaluate landfill liner effectiveness
Investigator(s): Tuncer Edil
1996 WR96R011
Monitoring: Evaluation of the Abundance, Diversity, and Activity of Methanotroph Populations in Groundwater
Investigator(s): Mary Lynne Perille Collins, Charles C. Remsen
1998 WR98R012
Adsorptive Behavior of Atrazine and Alachlor in Organic­ Poor Sediments
Investigator(s): Grundl, Small
1990 WR90R020
A tracer technique for measuring regional groundwater velocities from a single borehole
Investigator(s): Peter L. Monkmeyer, Robert H. B. Netzer
1990 WR90R006
Detection of Sewage Contamination in Urban Areas of the Great Lakes
Investigator(s): Sandra McLellan, Steve Corsi
2016 WR16R005
Microbially-mediated oxidation of trace element-bearing sulfide minerals in sandstones of Trempealeau County, WI
Investigator(s): Eric Roden, Matthew Ginder-Vogel
2020 WR19R001
Impact of changing snow cover and frozen ground regimes on groundwater recharge
Investigator(s): Steve Loheide
2020 WR19R005
Estimating the Spatial Distribution of Groundwater Recharge Rates Using Hydrologic, Hydrogeologic and Geochemical Methods
Investigator(s): Kenneth Potter, Carl Bowser, Mary Ann Amman, Kenneth Bradbury
1991 WR91R006
Water and land use: interpretation of existing data to foster constructive public dialog and policy formation
Investigator(s): Harry Read
1998 WR98R004
Investigating in-season cover crops for reducing nitrate loss to groundwater below potatoes
Investigator(s): Kevin Masarik, Jacob Prater
2020 WR20R001
Valuing groundwater quality: A cost function analysis of Wisconsin water utilities
Investigator(s): James Price
2020 WR20R002
Correlating bedrock folds and fractures to arsenic detection in drinking water, southeast Wisconsin
Investigator(s): Eric Stewart, Esther Stewart
2020 WR20R004
Investigating sources of salinity associated with Ra and Sr in the Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer system of eastern WI
Investigator(s): Matthew Ginder-Vogel, Patrick Gorski
2020 WR20R005
Mass discharge of road salt via groundwater to surface waters in Southeastern Wisconsin
Investigator(s): Charles Paradis
2021 WR21R002
Data-driven Groundwater Depth and Risk Forecasting in the Central Sands Region of WI for Sustainable Management
Investigator(s): Jingyi Huang, Ankur Desai
2021 WR21R003