Title & Investigator(s)YearProject #
Mass discharge of road salt via groundwater to surface waters in Southeastern Wisconsin
Investigator(s): Charles Paradis
2021 WR21R002
Data-driven Groundwater Depth and Risk Forecasting in the Central Sands Region of WI for Sustainable Management
Investigator(s): Jingyi Huang, Ankur Desai
2021 WR21R003
Microbially-mediated oxidation of trace element-bearing sulfide minerals in sandstones of Trempealeau County, WI
Investigator(s): Eric Roden, Matthew Ginder-Vogel
2020 WR19R001
Impact of changing snow cover and frozen ground regimes on groundwater recharge
Investigator(s): Steve Loheide
2020 WR19R005
Investigating in-season cover crops for reducing nitrate loss to groundwater below potatoes
Investigator(s): Kevin Masarik, Jacob Prater
2020 WR20R001
Valuing groundwater quality: A cost function analysis of Wisconsin water utilities
Investigator(s): James Price
2020 WR20R002
Correlating bedrock folds and fractures to arsenic detection in drinking water, southeast Wisconsin
Investigator(s): Eric Stewart, Esther Stewart
2020 WR20R004
Investigating sources of salinity associated with Ra and Sr in the Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer system of eastern WI
Investigator(s): Matthew Ginder-Vogel, Patrick Gorski
2020 WR20R005
Linking Groundwater and Nutrients to Monitor Fen Ecosystems Using Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy
Investigator(s): Eric Booth, Steven Loheide, David Bart, Philip Townsend, Arthur C. Ryzak
2018 WR17R001
Historic Changes in Groundwater Use by Trees in Wisconsin Due to High-capacity Groundwater Pumping and climate variability
Investigator(s): Steven Loheide, Dominick M. Ciruzzi
2018 WR17R002
Showing 1 to 10 of 207 entries