A Survey of Baseflow for Groundwater Protection Areas Western Fox-Wolf Watershed

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Contract Period:

7/1/2006 - 6/30/2008

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Wisconsin’s 2003 Act 310 expanded the State’s authority to manage the environmental impacts of high capacity wells. Implementation of Act 310 represents a formidable challenge for WDNR staff, both in terms of the complexity of making a “no significant adverse environmental impact” determination and in having a sufficient decisionmaking knowledge base. WDNR staff identified among other knowledge needs a priority for baseflow information in the GPAs (Groundwater Protection Areas) of the western Fox-Wolf watershed. GPAs in the western Fox-Wolf contain about 1800 km of high quality streams and 10 lakes.


The objective of this study was to survey baseflows for the headwater streams lying within GPAs in the western Fox-Wolf watershed. The scope of work included the following: 1. Compiling and interpreting USGS daily discharge information. We examined the daily discharge record for the Upper Fox and Wolf basins, determined which stations might be useful, inferred baseflows, and compared water years 2005 and 2006 against the long term record at each station. 2. Compiling USGS miscellaneous stream discharge measurements from the Upper Fox and Wolf basins and comparing to those measured in this study. 3. Measuring stream discharges during baseflow periods on headwater streams. 4. Regressing baseflows against potentially explanatory variables suitable for use by WDNR review staff. 5. Comparing project baseflows against those previously measured by USGS.


Stream discharge measurements were made by velocity-discharge methods.

Project Reports: