Herbicide and nitrate movement in a sandy soil aquaifer in the Lower Wisconsin River Valley

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Project Number:


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Contract Period:

07/01/1991 - 06/30/1993

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The purpose of this project was to investigate the fate and transport of pesticides and nitrate in a sandy soil-landscape along the Lower Wisconsin River Valley (LWRV).  This project was a continuance of an investigation of soil type and management practice impacts on pesticide and nitrate fate, initiated in 1989 with core support provided by WDATCP and WDNR.  Results from experiments on effects of soil type on herbicide fate (LWRV soil vs. Central Sand Plan soil), and results from 1990 and 1991 hydrologic characterization and agrichemical fate field experiments were summarized by Lower and McSweeney (1992) in a report to the WDATCP.

This report specifically summarizes results of field investigations of the fate and transport of atrazine and two of its metabolites and nitrate through the unsaturated zone to groundwater under irrigated and nonirrigated conditions in the LWRV.  The influence of different tillage practices were also investigated.  Results and analyses from the 1991 season that were not included in the Lowery and McSweeney (1992) report are included herein, as well as results from the 1992 and 1993 (partial) seasons.

Project Reports: