Drinking Water and Groundwater Quality in the Lower Wisconsin River Valley

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Project Number:


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Contract Period:

07/01/1990 - 06/30/1991

Funding Source:




The Lower Wisconsin River Valley is an area highly susceptible to drinking water and groundwater contamination because of the sandy soils and shallow depth to water. Previous sampling of household wells by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has shown levels of atrazine and nitrate above the enforcement standard (3.5 ppb Atrazine only and 10 ppm N03N) in an area from Arena to Lone Rock. Samples from Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) monitoring wells downgradient of irrigated sandy fields in the valley have shown atrazine and high nitrate levels. This study was conducted to assess drinking water and groundwater quality in areas of the LWRV which had not been previously sampled

Project Reports: