Tracer Study for Characterization of Groundwater Movement and Contaminant Transport in Fractured Dolomite

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Project Number:


Other Project Number:


Funding Year:


Contract Period:

07/01/1992 - 06/30/1994

Funding Source:




To develop a better understanding of the movement of groundwater and contaminants in shallow, fractured, carbonate aquifers. The study was designed to 1) provide a better understanding of the hydrogeology of fractured dolomite in terms of advective flow rates and hydraulic conductivity distributions; 2) generate a data set for use in evaluating existing fracture-flow computer codes; 3) help determine the scales at which it is appropriate to approximate fractured carbonate rock as an equivalent porous medium; and 4) test the effectiveness of monitoring wells in a fractured-rock setting.

Final report linked covers the work of two grants:  DNR-101/WR92R010 (July 1992 to June 1994) and WR94R016 (July 1994 to June 1996).

Project Reports: